Yifei Zhang

Undergraduate @WisconsinCS

🧐 About

I'm Yifei, a senior undergraduate at University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I am fortunately advised by Prof. Fred Sala on data-centric ML. Also, I am currently working with Prof. Anima Anandkumar and Dr. Jiawei Zhao on implicit bias of deep learning and foundation model pretraining acceleration at California Institute of Technology and partly at NVIDIA. I am broadly interested in machine learning on statistical inference and deep learning on large-scale efficient training from theoretical and algorithmic perspectives. I also hold a great passion in AI for Science and Machine Learning System Acceleration.

Download my CV.

  • Statistical Inference and Reasoning
  • Deep Learning System Acceleration
  • AI for Science
  •      B.S. in Computer Sceince, 2023
              University of Wisconsin-Madison


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